hi i'm and old fooser who played in the late 70's early 80's on t.s tablels
just started to play again from a small town in montana theres a few old
foosers left around here but no young players to learn the new shots
from. now it seems that tornado is the top table have played on it and do like, its fast. now i see there is a three man goalie set up what to me
is no big deal. but my question is other then getting the balls out of the
corners how often do you use the two extra men for offense ? back
when i played we had around here what we called a chow that is when
one of your forward men intercepts the shot from the goilie and puts
it back in his hole. as a rule a goile would not even try a shot from the back man. the new tables are so much faster now did that open doors
for the back man offense. whats your thoughts ?