First; I do appreciate your intelligent, well thought responses, and I agree with some of them. The top elite, clean players of the game are to be commended. However the idea that drugs are not an inherent part of the foosball tournament culture is naive at best. Obviously I'm not talking about clean players at any level of the game. This is directed to the tournament directors and sponsors; To identify and punish the cheaters... the illegal drug users. By proxy you will be rewarding the clean players, the one's who do it right.
Illegal drug use happens at every level of the game, starting with local tournaments. What do you really think those players are doing in the parking lots? This same behavior among some carries over to every tournament that they play in. Just because you don't see it does not mean it doesn't happen.
Second; I was really addressing the question of whether foosball is a game or sport. If the game is to ever gain sport notoriety the possibility or probability of drug use must be addressed and dealt with firmly.
I did not suggest 100% testing of all participants, not even close. There should in fact be strict rules and always the possibility of drug testing. This can be noted as the possibility of random testing of participants, for reasonable suspicion of drug use, or the random testing of monetary winners. Will this deter all players from using, probably not... maybe after they get caught. We would not need to invent new drug testing policies, there are many out there already. Check other major sports, then copy, edit, post, implement and enforce... As much or as little as needed.
I agree that Foosball needs sponsors, but who would want to tie their name brands, financial assets or reputations to something that can hurt them. Big money sponsors have too much to lose and too little to gain. Without taking a firm stance to ensure no illegal drug use is allowed, you are by proxy allowing it.
Every great sport that has grown has the ability to reach out to very young people. As an adult I cannot say that I would encourage my kids or others to hang around most local foosball crowds. Many times the players look like, or act like drugged out thugs. That is a shame, because the game of foosball itself is great!
Here are some of the foosball players illegal drugs of choice, and many of these are felony type drugs or controlled substances. Marijuana (Legal in some places, not most), Cocaine, Crystal Methamphetamine, Oxycontine, Vicadin, Valium, etc... Players are clever to disguise their illegal drug use for various reasons;
1. Fear; They don't want to get caught for legal reasons, arrested, go to jail, fines, etc...
2. Reputation; They don't want other non drug using players to know that they are high.
3. Success; They have used illegal drugs to achieve success in foosball tournaments, and the winning is as addictive as the drugs.
Last, I wish that I was wrong, but I'm not. Foosball has the same ill's as the rest of our society. The difference is how it's dealt with, or not... I would like to see players deal break their addictions and play clean. I don't know if foosball tournaments are enough incentive to quit... thats a personal decision. I do know as a paying tournament player that there should be safeguards that disallow blantant cheating by illegal drug use. It's foosball's dirty little secret and always has been. Time to clean it up and move the game forward.