
First table want to make it count

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Offline Tre

First table want to make it count
« on: November 11, 2012, 12:28:30 AM »
Hey all,

I have read bbtuna's post. I have read through many other posts here. I have beat Google to death looking for info on buying tables.

I am a beginner maybe intermediate. I have only been playing for a few years and have lost the only place to play a couple of years back.  I want, no, I need my own table. I thought I had it figured out then I read too much and got lost again.

I know from what I have read and played, Tornado is the way I want to go. But that is as far as I am right now. I want a great table. I want something to last. As this is a rather large investment for me.

Ive been looking at the T3000. Charles Mackintosh quoted me prices for both the non-coin and the coin-op. Both new. At only about $100 difference between them. Is it worth it to go Coin-op? I know bbtuna says coin-op for the older models but does that ring true for the new t3000? Also CM quoted me a used Coin-op table for about $50 less then the non-coin new.

Going back to bbtuna's post, is the t3000 WORTH the increased price over something coin-op'ed that is used and older? If not, what older model should I be looking for and at what general price point?

Price isn't the issue, but wasting money will be the end of me with the wife. If i can get something just as good and save $1000 then all is well. But if a T3000 is worth the extra then that will work too.

Thanks in advance!


Offline papafoos

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Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2012, 08:56:36 AM »
To start with, the coin-op retains it's resale value better than the non coin-op.  More importantly for serious players is the fact that they have a different feel.

If you think you might get serious enough to try tournaments and money is not a problem, I'd recommend the new coin-op or one right off the tournament floor.  If you have doubts about ever playing in serious tournaments, then a good used one should suffice.  The old brown marble table is generally accepted as the best made table.  They've been around about 30 years and still holding together if not abused.

Just make sure it looks good to make the wife happy.(or at least agreeable)  You might even try getting her in on the selection.

Offline alaskan thunder

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Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2012, 10:45:06 AM »
Coin-op all the way.

Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2012, 12:58:40 PM »
One word.  Fireball.  Best table for the money, hands down.

Offline Tre

Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2012, 10:57:06 PM »
Thanks for the replies!

What sort of price should I be looking at for a brown marble coin-op?


-Edit: Answered my own question by looking at the bbtuna post again.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 11:16:49 PM by Tre »

Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2012, 09:45:45 AM »
I paid 500 for my brown marble coin op, that needed a few new bumpers and one new 2 man rod.

Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2012, 11:46:27 AM »
Just to be clear, the OP was asking about the difference between the T3000 coin-op vs. non coin-op. As far as I know, the only difference between these tables is that one has a coin-op mechanism and an altered ball return path because of that mechanism. They should play identically. The coin-op version of the T3000 may have a higher resale potential because you add in the possibility of commercial customers. I own a T2000 non-coin-op and it plays great. In fact, I prefer not having to deal with the coin mechanism after scoring goals.


Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2012, 03:01:21 PM »
wouldnt there be a weight differance as well?  That would effect play some, although how much it would affect it i do not know.

Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2012, 04:26:29 PM »
wouldnt there be a weight differance as well?  That would effect play some, although how much it would affect it i do not know.

That's true, the coin box weight and the little bit of extra ramp would add maybe a few pounds. Can't imagine it would make much of a difference and you could always throw in a 3-pound weight inside the cabinet if it did. The non-coin-op coin-ops also have split cabinets so you can store stuff inside.

Offline Tre

Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2012, 07:12:07 PM »
I've done some searching and, at least near me, there are not many tables within a reasonable driving distance. The ones that are available are the grey marble and listed for $1000+. From what I've read they are not worth it. I have not seen very many brown marble for sale at all.

I guess patience is the name of the game here?

Anyone have any tips on where to look? I have tried Ebay/craigslist/yakaz.

Thank you kgstewar for clearing that up for me.

Thanks all

Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2012, 07:16:39 PM »
Patience, but use this search tempest

It will allow you to search all craigslist within however far you are willing to drive to get it.

Offline Tre

Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2012, 06:36:24 PM »
search tempest is great! Thanks

what do you all think about this?

Offline papafoos

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Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2012, 08:10:24 PM »
Home model.  Most serious players will probably steer you away due to it not being a coin-op.  It's still better than anything you'll find in the department stores, even with the duct tape? holding the bearing on. 

If you have your sights on becoming a tour player, be patient.  If not, then I'd give it a maybe.

Offline Tre

Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2012, 10:35:11 PM »
is that what that silver is? haha I thought it was a reflection.  :-[

I do not "plan" on being a tour player. But you never know.
I've played on some rough tables and I don't want that for my home. It seems silly but I want a table I can grow on and I can be proud to show off.

thanks for the input I will keep searching. patience is not a virtue of mine, you all are keeping me calm! thanks!


Offline alaskan thunder

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Re: First table want to make it count
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2012, 01:40:47 PM »
is that what that silver is? haha I thought it was a reflection.  :-[

I do not "plan" on being a tour player. But you never know.
I've played on some rough tables and I don't want that for my home. It seems silly but I want a table I can grow on and I can be proud to show off.

thanks for the input I will keep searching. patience is not a virtue of mine, you all are keeping me calm! thanks!


IMO is it worth waiting for the right table. One will pop up at some point. That said, if you are Jonesing to play, a home model is worth it if you can get a steal on it. I bought a home model for $250 back in the day and it served me well until I became a serious tournament player. I also had the table for 2 years and ended up selling ti for $300, so that was worthwhile.