@garabdorje: Thanks
I noticed that my advice could be too "generic" or too "strategy oriented". I'll add some more points hopefully you won't be too bored.
Your 3 bar is doing all the hard work. He is flying up and down (not too much, usually 2 inches is more than enough) trying to make the opponent choose (hopefully the wrong) hole or to foos/block 2bar shot.
Your 5 bar is the defense "conductor".
The goalie is setting his men according your 5 bar.
I forgot to mention that when you setup a defense you make sure you don't protect one hole with 2 men (no 2 men stand behind each other).
Make sure the goalie also don't jump on opponents 2 bar shot.
Your opponents favorite shots is much better to be blocked with your 5bar and the 3bar. Leave the other holes to the goalie.
Now, again it won't work on every shot. If they manage to score - don't panic

Don't leave the "strategy". Don't get mad at your partner. Don't make drastic changes (it's a bad idea to start chaotically moving all your men). Instead try the following:
Before putting the ball back into play take a small break (15-20 sec) usually your opponents won't notice. But don't just stand

in front of your opponents. Something like... "he started the shot here (point with a finger on the table), then he pulled and released here (again point with the finger), then the balled passed the 5 bar in this spot (again point..), and hit the goal in this point". Then say out the reason why it happened. Something like "I was slow/lost him on the 3 bar", "he scored next to the goalie - we need to adjust this spot" ... or even "well done guys, this was a perfectly executed shot!".
Do expect the opponents to laugh in the beginning

(they won't laugh once you get better at analyzing) This is very powerful tool. This gets away the "magic" from his shot (rationalizing the situation) and is improving your defense with every mistake you make. Also the 2bar will be slightly insecure to do the same shot because "now they know.." and he is more likely to try his not so good shots.
Try it and come back to tell how it worked for you.
