Is it just me being European or does this seem like nonsense to others as well?
I agree with you for the most part. On Tornado though, I also agree that beginners should learn closed handed first.
1. It's called "open handed" or "palm roll" - but not "open palm" (unless you've hurt yourself very badly)
Heh... made me laugh on this one
2. If you need a lot of power, there's no way around open handed play. Watch Tony's pull kick - it would be very hard for him to compensate for the ball's high lateral speed if he didn't shoot it with a palm roll.
Here's where I disagree. You can generate an incredible amount of power using a closed handed shot. The main thing is a good closed handed shot should rely on the pinch point (where the ball almost gets stubbed into a backpin). Pulls, Pull-kicks, Pushes, Back-pins and Push-kicks all can have wicked closed handed power.
Front pin shots it's a little harder, since the pinch point isn't there. I have a hard and mean closed handed front pin, but I have to point my whole body into the whipping motion. Still, the power is there.
But case-in-point, I'd hazard that 95-99% of pro pull shots use close handed grip, and there's no lack of power in most of them.
3. It's absolutely no problem to control the ball with an open handed grip.
I'll half agree here. I can consistently have a slight cutback on my pull, allowing me to tuck the shot, and to go deadbar on it easily enough. Open hand tends to straighten out the shot easier. Depending on the shot, one has more control over the other depending on what you're trying to achieve.
4. It's absolutely no problem to shoot open handedly from a closed handed grip.
This depends on your natural grip, the handle shape (hence the table), and the shot you're shooting. From my grip, I find it really difficult to go right into open hand.
5. On tables that offer more grip than Tornado, Open Handed is the standard grip. In Germany for example, Closed Handed is all but non-existent if it comes to offensive techniques.
I thought there were a few pull shots in Germany? I also thought that Bonzini players are 50/50 when it comes to open/closed handed shots, even with pins.