
First Post - Couple Questions!

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First Post - Couple Questions!
« on: January 24, 2014, 09:42:26 AM »
Hey Everyone,

Just registered this morning and looking forward to learning lots and improving my game!

I just got a brand new Sportcraft AMF Torino (from a family friend whos husband left her, the table left bad memories) for free but I havent really used it that much, still play on an older table!

When I watch videos (Unreal Foos for example) I am assuming they are using the Red Tornado balls; my question is:
Are they actually THAT easy to grip or are the guys in the videos just amazing?

I would like a ball that I can easily grip so I can perfect something like the snake-shot since I find it literally impossible with the slick white balls that I bought for $1 at the billiards store lol

These all come in the deluxe ball kit but not sure I want to buy the whole pack!

Bonzini (Yellow Cork)
Dynamo (Yellow Soft Urethane)
Shelti (Yellow Hard Urethane)
Shelti (Orange Softer Urethane)
Tornado (Red Hard Urethane)

Is Urethane a "grippable" material?
I was just going to get a couple of Tornado balls since they are 'official' and seem to grip easily but wanted to check first!

Thanks for reading and look forward to posting!

Re: First Post - Couple Questions!
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2014, 10:02:20 AM »
most likely response you will get here is that if you are seriously trying to start to get good at foosball and shots etc, your going to have to ditch that table and buy something higher end like a tornado, shelti, fireball or warrior.

Re: First Post - Couple Questions!
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2014, 01:52:35 PM »
To answer your original question a Tornado ball is not the "grippiest" of the bunch you listed. The person in that video is "that good" and has many hundreds of hours practicing his craft. The Bonzini Cork will be really grippy followed by the Shelti/Dynamo. However, if you ever plan to play competitively it would behoove you to have some tornado balls to practice with as well. Good luck.

Re: First Post - Couple Questions!
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2014, 12:39:29 AM »
That's interesting.  I also just got a new table (Warrior) and find I am learning ball control very quickly on it (also watching the unreal foos videos!).  I hadn't thought about trying different balls though.  Besides the orange balls that the Warrior table came with, which seem seem pretty grippy to me, which others are different enough from them to warrant buying and comparing?
Judging by your response I should also get some Tornado balls.  Others?

Re: First Post - Couple Questions!
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2014, 05:20:23 AM »
Yellow cork balls have not been used in tournaments for over 5 years now.
The ITSF B-ball is the official ball.