It is hard to answer your question regarding figure differences because there are other factors. I think what you are looking for is fast banking style game. I would suggest warrior figures with a fireball ball. But I would't hold back on trying different balls... you'll probably like the shelti ball too. Really the banking capability and angles are heavily influenced by a number of things and if you're on a different table...well, it will be different.
I find having balls ... ha... different balls, makes the game... My opinion is Fireballs are medium weight, fast play, with moderate to low control, Tornado 5hr balls are heavy with medium speed and moderate control, Warrior ball is light, slower with high control... I don't know shelti ball well, but if I recall medium weight, moderate speed, with moderate control somewhere between tornado and fireball.
I own a fireball coin op table for many of the the secondary aspects of the table, and find the play is quite unpredictable at times with the orange ball, yet, that is more fun to me. Interestingly, I find the fireball orange ball is loved by my beer drinking crew on other tables due to its unpredictability and sheer speed. It leads to lots of turn a rounds and fast action yet has enough control to keep the game skillful and slow if you play that way. It's a real joy to play as the pace of the game can really shift.