
Help on table value

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Offline bwd

Help on table value
« on: August 19, 2015, 11:04:31 AM »
I have been looking for a good quality used table for some time now.  We don't get a lot of used tables listed in our area, so I have been patient.   I would like to get a good used coin op.  Hoping for a good grey marble.  Budget isn't that critical, but it is going to be for recreational use in my home for myself and as my kids grow and have friends over, so no reason to go overboard.  Just want quality and durability.  I came across this listing on CL.  All it said was.....
"Tournament tables. One marble and rest are blond. Parts and accessories available"
I emailed him and got this reply.....
"I am selling for my son as in storage in my garage for about 6-7 years.  He purchased them new from Tornado distributor 1997 - 2002.  He is a pro player and ran tournaments. They are T3000 coin operated. He kept them in very good condition but need to be cleaned before played on. He has one brown marble and the rest are blond.  All priced at $300."
I am by no means a expert on the models.. What I do know just came from looking the past year.  I think the brown marble can fall in that time period, and the blonde also.  What gets me is him calling them all T3000. 
I like the idea that they aren't coin op out of a bar and were used for tournaments.  And if he was a pro he should have taken good care of them.  Should I be concerned if they have been stored for 6-7 years?
Also what can I buy a new tournament used table for?  These tables are 3.5 hours away and it seems like anything I find are quite a drive for me to even look at.  I have to put some value in my time also.  I would take anyone's thoughts.  Thanks

Offline papafoos

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Re: Help on table value
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2015, 12:31:23 PM »
The brown marble would be the older table.  It's probably the best made as far as longevity is concerned but they will all outlive you if taken care of. 

If they've been in storage just make sure moisture hasn't gotten to them.  Hopefully, you will be able to inspect them.  If they are not in bad shape, they should easily be worth $300.  (assuming they are all coin-op)  $300 is almost a parts price.  You might want to buy two ;)

Offline bwd

Re: Help on table value
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2015, 01:12:48 PM »
Thanks for the reply.  My thoughts were if they are all in the same shape I would take the brown marble one.  I wish they were closer.  That is the case most of the time for me. 

Re: Help on table value
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2015, 02:35:05 PM »
$300 is a very good price. Ask if he can send you some good pictures of the brown marble, inside and out. You're looking for damage, rust, etc. Dust and grime are cleanable. If all looks good, and you are in the market for a good table, you will not regret making the drive for this one.

P.S. In my experience, getting good pictures from many CL sellers is surprisingly difficult. It's almost hard to take a bad picture these days with a cell phone, yet a lot of people still do it.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 02:38:41 PM by kgstewar »

Re: Help on table value
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2015, 09:03:21 PM »
Did you buy these tables