
Few foosball videos on my new table. Passing and shooting practice

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I'm definitely rusty, but any tips from you pro's out there would be greatly appreciated.

Mostly Snakeshots and passing Practice
Pull Kicks and a few from the back Practice

Passing Practice

Re: Few foosball videos on my new table. Passing and shooting practice
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2017, 08:34:31 PM »
Nice motion on the one pull shot I saw and on the pull kicks you were shooting.  You could probably have a nice pull shot if you worked on it.  Make sure you challenge your self when you practice shots, but don't get frustrated if you miss.  One way to challenge yourself is to change the defense to defend shots you are making.  If you make some shots, change the defense. Try to focus on what you are doing right.  Pull shot straight in shots and pull split shots to the middle are as important as pull long shots. 

Learning to pass is a huge task that takes lots of time.  Learn ball control at the 5 bar.  Keep practicing the standard wall pass.  This pass goes along the wall and almost rides the edge straight to your 3 bar plastic player.   Another good pass to practice along with the wall pass and lane pass would be a chip angle pass.

Re: Few foosball videos on my new table. Passing and shooting practice
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2017, 06:49:22 AM »
Hi Jerrydiday,
I def agree about changing up the defense and doing more middle shots.
I plan to do a lot more passing practice.
I'll check out that chip angle pass.
Thanks for feedback.

Offline Pat

Re: Few foosball videos on my new table. Passing and shooting practice
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2017, 02:42:08 AM »
It's easy to see in which direction you want to shoot your rollover.  You're off-center to the left if you want to shoot right and off-center to the right if you want to shoot left.  Your rock needs to be smoother and longer than 2 seconds.

Your pass looks like a combination of brush and stick.  If it's a stick than the wall pass needs to be done with the bumper pressed against the wall.  If it's a brush then the wall and lane passes should be done from the same distance from the wall.

Forget the pull kicks.  Forget chip passes.

Re: Few foosball videos on my new table. Passing and shooting practice
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2017, 06:46:37 AM »
Hi Pat,
I didn't realize I was starting off-center, I'll keep an eye on that.
I'm def working on the rollover, it's been awhile, been practicing a bit each night after work.
Also working on the passing, ty for feedback.

Why do you say forget the pull kicks? Easily defendable?

Offline snake eyes

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Re: Few foosball videos on my new table. Passing and shooting practice
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2017, 06:24:15 PM »
Pullkicks tend to be easy to use a race defense on, but I play a weekly dyp with a guy that can hit deadbar pretty consistently. Stick with the Roller or the Pull as mentioned above. More importantly lay down a solid 5 bar routine, either stick or brush pick one and be able to control the ball. I like the stick pass but I am a huge Tony S. fan so it played into my game. Good Luck and don't expect immediate results on evrrything you attempt as you know this game can try your patience...


Re: Few foosball videos on my new table. Passing and shooting practice
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2017, 10:53:18 PM »
Which ever shots you decided to spend your time on, this is one shot every person with a new table has to learn

Offline Pat

Re: Few foosball videos on my new table. Passing and shooting practice
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2017, 02:37:08 AM »
Hi Pat,
I didn't realize I was starting off-center, I'll keep an eye on that.
I'm def working on the rollover, it's been awhile, been practicing a bit each night after work.
Also working on the passing, ty for feedback.

Why do you say forget the pull kicks? Easily defendable?

When your shot involves more than one man your accuracy and control decrease and chance for error increases.

There are only 3 shots used at the professional level: pull, snake, and pin.  On Tornado the hard balls make the pin shot very difficult so I would forget about that one as well.

Offline snake eyes

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Re: Few foosball videos on my new table. Passing and shooting practice
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2017, 08:28:29 PM »
X2 on what Pat said,, The Pull is also getting somewhat difficult to find with the Rollover so popular on tour. Todd still kills with it tho, pretty cool for an old geezer.

Work on the 5 bar it's the most critical part of the game.



Re: Few foosball videos on my new table. Passing and shooting practice
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2017, 07:06:49 AM »
Don't just practice one kind of shot, rollover or pull or pullkick or whatever. You never know which shot you could perfect unless you fool around with every kind of shot. Lots of people start out trying to perfect, say, a pull shot, but from time to time play around with a front or back-pin. Then one day they realize that their "fun" shot is actually their best shot and very hard for goalies to block. It's possible to get really really good at some shots and be totally inept at others. The only way you're going to "find your shot" is to experiment and play around with all your options. There is just SO MUCH you can do on the three bar besides the rollover, so mix it up, play some razzle-dazzle and don't just worry about winning tournaments, learn to enjoy the game.