
Rene Pierre 15mm Handles

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Rene Pierre 15mm Handles
« on: December 19, 2017, 08:23:02 AM »

I've recently come back into a Rene Pierre blue top table that I bought back in '85 (used) and it's been at my folks place being well used by my nieces and nephews.  It will need a little cabinet work which is not a big deal, but it will lead a lot of playfield and parts work including several/all handles being replaced.  I noticed several posts here about the 15mm handles not being available anywhere, and I believe the last post I read said to buy the 14mm handles and force them onto the 15mm rods.  Has anyone considered buying a 15mm tap and tapping the 14mm handles?  This seems like a lot less risky than forcing the handles onto the larger rods.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Rene Pierre 15mm Handles
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2017, 05:23:48 PM »
I just bought a blue top RP table from a young guy who inherited it from his grandfather.  It is missing the legs--of all things--but one of the easiest things to replicate.  In the meantime, I've built a stand out of 2x6 pine to set it on to play while I build some legs and clean/grease the rods--sort of redo it with my teenage boys.

Luckily, it has all the (light green--almost like key lime pie color) handles and none are cracked.  But I've read horror stories about handles for the 15mm early RP models-repalcements don't exist it seems.  Mine are sure to crack at some point (table sat in a  basement for years...45 year old plastic).

To your point on tapping 14 mm handles--why not?  The problem is finding a 15mm reverse thread tap I think.  Did some quick internet searches...not easy to find.  It should be M15 1.5 left-handed threads.  Current RP handles--on their website, say M14 1.5.

I've toyed with getting a friend with a lathe to turn some wood handles...would be easy to drill and tap as well.  Would look nice too.  The plastic RP (or Bonzini 14 mm) handles are pretty expensive for what they are.  Wood is pretty cheap and durable.  Thinking of doing this and saving original handles....

Offline jss

Re: Rene Pierre 15mm Handles
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2017, 10:50:41 PM »
Vann5 I can be reached @8647107878 for the RP keys and other RP parts.

Re: Rene Pierre 15mm Handles
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2018, 11:54:25 PM »

Sorry about not replying sooner on this.  I didn't think about the reverse thread on the handles, so you're right that finding a tap would be difficult and most likely expensive.  Let me know how the wooden handles turn out.  Right now, my nephew's have just stuck whatever rubber foosball handles they could get their hands on on the rods (I'm taking the approach that the less questions asked about where they got the handles the better), and it looks awful.  So anything would be an improvement.  I don't mind throwing a little money at it to get original replacement handles, but I wouldn't want to spend more than $100 or so.

Thanks for your reply

Re: Rene Pierre 15mm Handles
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2018, 03:40:50 PM »
I haven't done anything yet on wooden handles, but what about 3D printing?  Would still have to tap them, but I bet modeling a handle is not that hard.  Finding used originals (15mm) seems almost impossible at this point.