
Foosballers is getting me back into foosball. I'd love your opinion on a table.

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Hey all

I watched foosballers on espn and it's gotten me back into foosball a little...  First off, I thought I used to be pretty good before I watched the movie, but I now realize how terrible I was, and I'm a LOT worse now.  haha. 

Long story short:
-  I prefer a 1 man goalie
-  I'll never play in tournaments
-  I'd like to get something soon (my boys just played their first "competitive" game and I don't want to lose that momentum)
-  Almost my entire foosball career has taken place on a black top Tournament Soccer - Million Dollar Game table (which I prefer to my friends new Tornado T-3000 table.  I get that's sacrilege, but my brother likes the Tournament Soccer table better as well, as he still owns it.  Interestingly, my friend prefers the Tournament Soccer table as well.  He just asked for the "best table" and they sent him the Tornado.  haha.  I totally understand that our preference speaks to our age, lack of ability, and unwillingness to change and not the actual quality of the tables.  If we were better, younger, and more open to change I have no doubt we'd much prefer the Tornado!)
-  Just to do my due diligence, there are no Tornados in my area under 1k.  There was one for $500 but it was missing the stickers and scoring apparatus (which doesn't effect game play, but I didn't want a 5 hour round trip to find out that it'd been beaten up too).  Plus, it appears to have just disappeared anyway.
-  There are a couple of Harvard, Carrom Burr, Atomic Gladiator, SportCraft, etc. type tables from $200-400.
-  I thought I heard Dynamo was supposed to be pretty good and this is not too, too far away (but, man, I'd rather not drive that far unless it's amazing)

My research makes it seem like the Warrior might be the right table for me, but I don't know.  The Kick table has higher reviews on Amazon and is $200 cheaper.  Am I bad enough that I might just enjoy any old table on craigslist?  Based on what I've mentioned, do you guys have a suggestion for me?  If I did go with a Warrior, do they still have the blemish versions available?  I couldn't find anything recent about those.  I do hope to play this a decent amount for the next 5 years or so, but can't imagine we'll put nearly the abuse on it that the old, black top Tournament Soccer has taken so well...

Thanks in advance!

TS tables are always for sale on CL or FB in my area. Usually between $50-300. Watch for blown out goals (goal posts destroyed), it seems to be a frequent problem after the trim breaks off the goal. Everyone else here says do not get a Kick, go with Warrior if buying new and refusing to transition to Tornado.

Even though you never plan to play in a tourney, you may want to broaden your competition pool and any foos clubs in your area most likely play on Tornado. Also, if your boys really like it and do want to play competitively some day, you would be pointing them in the right direction with a Tornado. Good luck!
« Last Edit: August 04, 2020, 08:58:49 AM by ShopTeacher »

Thank you for the thoughts.  I'm champing at the bit, but I'll wait a week or two to see if either a tornado or a TS turns up on craigslist.  I know the TS isn't the preferred choice, but it's what I'm used to and would save me quite a bit!  haha.  I've never heard about the goals, so thank you for that as well. 

If nothing appears, I'll order the Warrior which will immediately cause the universe to hurl dozens of Tornados and TS tables onto Craigslist within 20 miles of my house.  haha.

Thanks again!

Ha! Same thing happened to me after watching that show.

.I played on TS, but the world has changed so I ended up getting a Tornado table. I have to say after playing on it for a bit, I'm turning into a fan.

That's good, but not surprising, to hear that you're enjoying your Tornado.  Honestly, I'm sure I would too, which is why I kept looking at Craigslist for one.  So many people stand by the Tornado, so I know in my brain that it is the better table.  Not gonna lie though, was looking for a screaming deal on a TS too!  haha.

However, I'm also tired of waiting, so I ordered a Warrior yesterday when I saw they had a $50 off coupon on Amazon.  It's not slated to arrive until August 17-20, so that offers the universe ample opportunity to fill my local Craigslist up with plenty of options that I would've been able to grab in the meantime.  haha.

Thanks for your input, guys.

I just wanted to pop back in in case anyone in the future google's this.  While I still believe in the power of the herd and can safely assume the Tornado is the superior table, I LOVE the Warrior table.  If you're an oldster like me and haven't played since a Tournament Soccer "The Million Dollar Game" table and have completely missed out on the Tornado, I think you'll be happy with a Warrior.

It arrived early, so we set it up and have been playing with it the past couple of days.  At first the ball kept dying in the corners, but as we've been improving it's happening less and less.  The control is pretty crazy because I find myself doing things I used to be able to do on a TS that I can't anymore (my brother still owns it and I still play on it occasionally).  It's kind of like a cheat code.  I think my kids are a little surprised at how quickly I've improved and can't quite figure out that I used to be half arse at the game.  haha. 

I still don't like the tubes as I believe in natural selection.  I hadn't planned on putting them on, but they're actually required for the assembly.  I don't think I care enough to try to saw them off or anything.  I just miss being able to spin the opposing bar quickly when the ball gets stuck during practicing.

Good times.  So glad I watched the fabulous "Foosballers" and it's gotten me back into the game!  Thanks for the opinions.

Glad you like it. Dont saw the rod guards off (I assume those are the tubes you're referring to)... if you ever have kids/grand kids around it can prevent a nasty injury.

Happy foosin