i didn't feel you started anything and i wasn't trying to either...I didn't remember who it was that said they shot the palm roll pin so i definately wasn't taking shots at anyone in particular
as a matter of fact, i wasn't taking a shot at all...this is a perfect example of the exception vs the rule...I say if you can do it than more power to you, it is exciting, i love diversity in the game
my point is only that when trying to give advice to a beginner or fairly new player, I am not going to teach exceptions...that is why you don't see me telling any of these people to shoot a backpin...I think it is a great shot with great potential but it takes a giant commitment for someone to develop it to tournament level...I think it is the best shot on the table and I think it is the hardest shot to learn
so, i always tell people starting and wondering what to shoot to choose a pull or rollover and probably the rollover because in the big picture, it is the easiest shot to learn, has the least wear on a person physically, and is very rewarding when it goes in (fast, loud, and fancy) and it has a wow factor for the spectator
my philosophy is to teach basics, fundementals, standards, "rules", and then as the base of tried and tested stuff grows, then add in the fancy stuff, the lower percentage stuff, the "exception" stuff
as they get a feel for the basics, I believe it is then that a person can make decisions in developing their own unique style
if I could train someone and really influence their growth I would make them forget talk of choosing "the" shot and "the" pass series...we would have some basic stuff in mind but I would, as the trainer, have the player practice ball control at a minimum of 75% of the time...the best players in the world, today and yesterday, are the players with the best ball control...ball control will teach you all kinds of things you can use when learning shots and passes...the better your ball control the shorter your learning curve is for other things...a significant part of this game is possesion and ball control is one of the keys to getting and keeping possesions
I won't say any more on that for now but one of these days I will do a data dump on ball control
by the way, I really hope we get to play some time, I would love to see your shot and I bet wiht that shot you have other creative things in your game...Tony Spree would know about backpins, his dad is a backpin shooter I have been told...I bet Tony has a wicked backpin...after you said that i realized i was at a Tourny with Tony and it never dawned on me to ask him about it or to play him and get some feedback...hmm, maybe next time
any way, cheers and fooson foosaround