« on: November 23, 2024, 10:53:08 PM »
Hello everybody I'm starting this post in the forum because I can't find a standard post that is strictly for "Foosball Tables For Sale". Tomorrow is also, *I'm not going to say a good friend's, but I'll say an awesome acquaintance's*, birthday. This man is a foosball fanatic more than anybody I've ever met. If he were to see anyone, man, woman or child, spin a bar on a foosball table, then he would knock them out in public, at Chuck e cheese, a bar or at your mom's house, it doesn't matter. Long story short I'm trying to find him a good Tornado foosball table. He says tornado is the best followed by Warrior. My budget is tight and I live in the Northwest Arkansas area so if anybody could point me in the right direction or help me out I greatly appreciate it. On the real, this he's an ass hole, he is one of my best and closest friends so I really wanna surprise him with this one.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 12:21:37 AM by HoldDezNutts »
