FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

Foosball   >  Results   >  06-08-02                     

Bring/Draw  $7/$5 entry fee
Super low turnout but the draw side put everyone to the sword.  This was our first Saturday event on the new re-arranged tables, I just love it.  Bruce and Rick, who will be with us for a couple of months put the clamps on the Bring side of the chart!
First $66 Bruce Blair and Rick (Draw)
Second $50 Alan Self and Eddie Gartman (Bring)
Third $32 Bill Russell and James Adams (Bring) 
Forth $16 Jason Dean and Stacey  (Draw)
Other teams:  Bring:  Pat and Tom Goff, Troy and Don, Richard and Lori  Draw:  Chuck Sampson and Posey, Dale and Randy M.

Singles:  $3 entry fee
5 players today, Dave was not feeling well so he and Rich didn't play the last match.
First $13  Dave B.
Second $7  Richard
Other players:  Stacey, Pat and Tom Goff.

Last Chance DYP:  $5 entry
Chuck Sampson and Richard, both of whom should not have been put out of the main event, make a great team.  They made the rest of us look silly.
First:  $36 Chuck Sampson and Richard
Second:  $22 Randy Chavez and Matt
Third:  $14  Jason and Tom Goff
Other Teams:  Pat and Ricky, Posey and Randy M., Lori and Chad

Contact stacey: