FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

Foosball   >  Results   >  06-22-02                    

Bring/Draw  $7/$5 entry fee

First $60 Pat and Bryan (Bring)
Second $44 Travis and Chuck Lozano  (Draw)
Third $30 Richard and Lori  (Bring) 
Forth $14 Mark Fister and Tom Goff   (Draw)
Other teams:  
   Dave and Bill Russell, Stacey and Zee, Rick and Matt
 Jason and Ben 
These two were awesome!  Wait, they got whipped, never mind :-)

Singles:  $3 entry fee
First $18  Bryan
Second $10 Chuck
Other players: Stacey, Zee, Matt, Tom Goff, Pat Goff, Rick 

Last Chance DYP:  $5 entry
First:  $42 Travis and Pat
Second:  $28 Rich Dom
Third:  $shake
Other Teams: Zee and Mark, Bill and Lori, Tom and Stacey, Jason and Dave, Ben and Rick 

Contact stacey: