FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

Foosball   >  Results   >  07-27-02                   

Bring/Draw  $7/$5 entry fee
10 Players on the Bring:  Tom and Pat Goff, Rick C. and Ron, Lori and Richard, Roger and James C., Dave B. and Charles M., Tom Pena and Jose. 18 Players on the Draw:  Jimmy G. and John T., Joel and Stacey, Sam and James A., Andy and Jeremy, Ben and Mark Ferrel, Vanessa and Randy, Josh and Mark.
First $100 John and Jimmy (Draw)
Second $72 Richard and Lori (Bring)
Third $40 Randy and Vanessa (Draw) 
Forth $24 Tom Pena and Jose (Bring)

Singles:  Entry fee $3,$4, $5 and $6 for Pro Masters.
16 Total Players:  Stacey, James A.,  Zeid, Pat, Richard, Tom Goff, Dave B., Ron.
First:  $25  Ron
Second $13 Tom Goff

SECOND Chance DYP:  $5 entry
Total 12 Players:  Ben and Mark F., James and Andy, Jeremy and Josh, Mark Ross and Charles M., Ron and Rick, Stacey and Bryan, Vanessa and Tom G., Pat Goff and Mike B.
First "Split"$81 Mark and Charles and Ron and Rick.
Third $10 Bryan and Stacey

Contact stacey: