FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

Foosball   >  Results   >  08-10-02                  

Bring/Draw  $7/$5 entry fee

First $86 Reece and Pitt (Bring)
Second $65 Ron and James C (Bring)
Third $43 Andi and Jose (Draw) 
Forth $22 Chris and Randy (Draw)
Bring Teams:  Ron and James C, Bill and Jimmy G., Reece and Pitt, Richard and Lori, Jason and Zee, Rambo and Pat   Draw Teams:  Andi and Jose, Chuck and Charles, Sam and James A, Ben and Steve, Chris and Randy, Josh and Guss

Bryan had a good night, winning Singles and Doubles!

Singles:  Entry fee $3, $5, $7 and $9 for Pro Masters.
Seeded:  Pro's then SP then Rookies.
15 Total Players: Bryan R, Randy M, Zee, Samuel, Chuck L, Ben, Greg Pitt, Ron N, Mike, James A, Pat J, Rambo, Rich B, Chris, James C.
First:  $55 Bryan Reece
Second $30 James Cain
Third:  $15 Ron Newsom

Last Chance DYP:  $5 entry
Total Players:  Miguel and Ben, Matt and Jason, Venessa and Guss, Charles and Zee, Josh and Bill, Hacksaw and James A.
First $30 Zee and Charles
Second $20 Josh and Bill
Third $10 Jason and Matt

Contact stacey: