FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

Previous Buffalo Billiards >  Results   >  09-07-02 Next

We got together and Celebrated Lori's World Champion in Women's Rookie Doubles last week!!!!

So, we have Lori here with her trophy and one with her and the cake I made for her!!! (Well, Mary made it but I did the icing :-)  Everyone had a great time and we made fun of Lori for Hours and Hours!

Bring/Draw  $7/$5 entry fee

First $80 Ken G. and Greg Pitt (Bring)

Greg Pitt

Ken Gerard

Second $60 James Cain and Mark Ferrel (Bring)
Third $40 Steve Cowell and Chuck Lozano  (Draw)
Forth $20 Joey and Charlie M. (Draw)
Bring Teams:  Ken and Greg, Ben Vanessa, James Cain and Mark Farrel, David Solis and Rick C., Richard and Lori.   Draw Teams:  Dale and Troy, Mike M. and Daniel B., Alan and John Terry, Steve C. and Chuck Lozano, Charlie D. and Joey M., Samuel and Mike B.

Singles:  Entry fee $3, $5, $7 and $9 for Pro Masters.
First:  $18 Ken Gerard

Second $10 Samuel Zeid

6 Total Players: Ken Gerard, Ben, Alan, Samuel, Vanessa, Stacey

Second Chance DYP:  $5 entry
First and Second Split (out of time) $30/$30 Rick and James and David Solis and Ben
David Solis and Ben won the winners bracket, Rick and James had dipped them ONE time, but we had to call it because of the time!


David Solis

Rick Cordova

James Cain

Third $12 Richard and Mike Burns
12 Total Players:  Ben and David Solis, Joey M. Miguel, Lori and Stacey, Rick C. and James Cain, Richard and Mike Burns, Vanessa and Mark Ferrel.

Contact stacey: