FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

Previous Buffalo Billiards >  Results   >  09-14-02 Next

New Tables from the World Championships at Buffalo Billiards!  As good as the tables were at Buffalo, now we have 4, oops 3 new ones!

We meant to have 4 new tables, but look at what happened to one of them!

Dude this table is wacked!

Bring/Draw  $7/$5 entry fee

First $80 Bryan Reece and Greg Pitt (Bring)
Second $50 Samuel Zeid and John Terry (Draw)
Third $40 Stacey and Bill Henderson (Bring)
Forth $20 John Jellison and Joey Mercado (Draw)
Bring Teams:  Rick and Randy, Bryan and Greg, David Solis and Bill Russell, Zee and Dave B., Bill H and Stacey, Ron and James Cain, Richard and Lori.   Draw Teams:  Samuel and John Terry, John Jellison and Joey Mercado, Kent and Chuck B., Chuck Lozano and Kevin Sutton.
First Place

Singles:  Entry fee $3, $5, $7 and $9 for Pro Masters.
First:  $25 Richard Bellevue
Second $10 Zee
Third:  $5  James Cain (NOTE:  We always pay at least on Rookie, since a rookie was in the money, we do not pay top rookie also.)
8 Total Players:  Richard, Stacey, John Terry, Dave B., Zeid, James Cain, John Jellison, Zee.

Last Chance DYP:  $5 entry
First $36  Joey Mercado and David Solis

12 Total Players:  David Solis and Joey Mercado, Richard and Rick C., Bill Russell and Miguel.
First Place

Contact stacey: