FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

Previous Buffalo Billiards >  Results   >  09-21-02 Next

Bring/Draw  $7/$5 entry fee

First $88 Damon Schoggins and Randy Mickler (Draw)
Second $66 Tom and Jose (Bring)
Third $44 Anthony and John Terry (Draw)
Forth $22 Jason and Rick Cordova (Bring)
Bring Teams:  Jason and Rick, Greg and Ken, Zee and Dave B., Bill H. and Stacey, Tom and Jose, Rich and Lori..   Draw Teams:  John Terry and Anthony, Nitin and Carl Boettcher, Damon and Randy, Mike T. and James Hess, Zeid and Chuck Lozano

Randy and Damon!

Singles:  Entry fee $3, $5, $7 and $9 for Pro Masters.
First:  $24 Dave Beidel
Second $15 Anthony Ortega
Third:  $5  James Cain
8 Total Players:  James Cain, Anthoy, Erik Klemme, Zeid, Stacey, Dave B., Zee, Jason, James Adams

Last Chance DYP:  Free entry
First $20 Dave and Mike T.
(We had so many conflicts we altered the teams and gave everyone their entry fee back!)

12 Total Players: Jason and James Hess, James Cain and Rick C., Rich and Mike T., James Adams and Carl, Lori and Zeid, John Terry and Dave B.
First Place

Contact stacey: