FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

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Bring/Draw  $7/$5 entry fee

First $ 100 Ken and Greg (Bring)

Second $ 60 Bill R. and David Solis (Bring)
Third $ 40 Damon and John Jellison (Draw) 
Forth $ 20 Randy and Brian Showers (Draw)
Bring Teams:  James Cain and Zee, Ken and Greg Pitt, Rick and Mike T., Josh and Jason, Bill R. and David S., Dave B. and Hacksaw   Draw Teams:  Brian Showers and Randy Mickler, Lori and Jonny Mellette, Steve Crosslin and Stacey, Damon and John Jellison, Richard and Chuck Lozano, Kent and Matt Fleck

First:  $20 Randy Mickler

Second $5 Richard
14 Total Players:  Rick Cordova, Bill Russell, Greg Pitt, Jonny Mellette, Brian Showers, Matt Fleck, Randy Mickler, John Jellison, Zee, Richard, Dave, Jason, Hacksaw, Mike T.

Last Chance DYP:  $5 entry
First $ 40 Dave and Rick

Second $ 20 Abdul and Zee
10 Total Players:  Dave B and Rick, Jason and Zeid, Jimmy and Mike T., Josh and Lori, Abdul and Zee

Contact stacey: