FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

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Bring $7 entry fee

First $70 David Solis and Ken

$40 Stacey and Bill Henderson
Bring Teams:  Zee and Dave B., Stacey and Bill H., Greg and John Terry, David S and Ken, Matt Fleck and Bryan Showers, Steve Crosslin and Joey Mercado (this was the only draw team and they played in the bring together)

Singles:  Entry fee $FREE
First:  $20 Zee
 Total Players: Zee, Dave B., Bryan Shower, Matt Fleck, John Terry, Bill H., Ken, Steve Crosslin.

Last Chance DYP:  $5 entry
First $40 Ken and Joey
Second $10 Dave and Greg
Total Players:  Ken and Joey, John T and Matt, David S. and Zee, Bryan and Stacey

Contact stacey: