FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

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Texas State Warm-up
Open Doubles

First $160 Dave B and Bill Henderson

Second $80 Zee and Mike T.

Third $50 stacey and Ken Gerard

Forth: $30 Richard and Lori

Fifth:  $20/$20 James Cain and James Adams, Steve M. and Jason Dean
Seventh:  $10/$10 Mark R and Steve Cowell, John and Pat Jellison
Ninth: Abdul and Jimmy, Dave Solis and Bill Russell, Chuck and Don, Jason and Jose
Thirteenth:  Vanessa and Ben, Larry Leitner and Tim P, Phillip Foster and Larry Hayes, Steve Crosslin and Mike Barr

Singles:  Entry fee $5
First:  $50 Ken Gerard

Second $25 Dave Beidel

Third: $10 Jimmy Gardner

Forth: $5 Richard Bellevue

Fifth:  $5 John Jellison
Steve M.
  Pat J and Zee
Ninth:  Mike T, Vanessa, Jason, Phillip F.
Thirteenth:  Lori, Mike Barr, Ben Camp, Larry H

Second Double (for those out of the first doubles): FREE entry
First $50 Dave Solis and Bill Russel

Second $20 Mark R and Pat Jellison
Third:  Steve Crosslin and Mike
Forth:  Jimmy and Larry
Fifth:  Chuck and Don, Jose and Jason Dean
Seventh:  Vanessa and Ben, Larry Hayes and Tim
Ninth:  Jimmy Gardner and Greg Meineke

Contact stacey: