FOOSBALL NEWS - Austin, Texas

Previous Buffalo Billiards >  Results   >  12-07-02 Next

It came down to a Race to 5 for singles and the second DYP 'cause we ran out of time:-(  Still was a fun night.  Good night for Mike T., in the money in every event!

First $88 Zee and James Cain

Second $44 Richard and Jason Dean
Third $30 Stacey and Mike T
Forth: $16 Randy and Chris
Fifth:  Ben and Troy, Jimmy and Dave
Seventh:  Joey and Vanessa, John J and Bill R.
Ninth: Matt and Mike Barr, Chuck and Lori, Josh and Miguel

Singles:  Entry fee $3
It came down to a Race to 5 'cause we ran out of time :-(
First:  $20 Dave Beidel

Second $10 Mike T

Third: $6 Steve Cowell
Forth:  Ben
Fifth:  John J. and Mike Barr  
  Greg Meineke and Vanessa

Second Chance DYP:  $5 entry
First $60 Richard B and Mike T

Second $30 Dave B. and John J.
Third:  $20 James C. and Jason
Forth:  Chris B. and Steve C.
Fifth:  Ben and Josh, Jeremy and Lori
Seventh:  Stacey and Vanessa, Chante and Matt Fleck
Ninth:  Jimmy Gardner and Greg Meineke

Contact stacey: