Points Assignment


Points Update Ratings Revised

From the January 1996 Table Talk

As the 1996 Tour kicks off there have been a number of changes made in the ratings, with more to come. We are really making an effort to make the system fair while still being objective. Every once in a while the system needs an overhaul and that's what we tried to do this year. So far we have reset all the pro players points, had local promoters reset anyone who was unfairly rated, and removed as many inactive players as we could. Starting this year we will be implementing a new system that will help people progress in points at a rate more comparable to their progress in ability. Designing a system that governs about 10,000 players and about 100 tournaments a year isn't easy but we are striving to iron out the problems that have arisen.

The Pro reset was accomplished with the help of our regional promoters, who above any other one person knows the most about the different pro players and their abilities. We reset to either Semi-Pro, low Pro, high Pro, or Master. The point levels for these were 1600, 1800, 2100, 2400, and for the top 10 Masters, we gave them a hundred point head start with 2500. This should correct any problems with pros that shouldn't be rated that highly. Also for those left at the low pro level that maybe should have been lowered, they are close enough to semi-pro that after a few tournaments getting beat by Semi-pros the problem will correct itself. For any players that remain pros, all those hard earned points from last year will still be used for seeding purposes for the first quarter, regardless of which level of pro they were reset at.

This year we will be implementing a new system for the rating of tournaments. As many of you know we assign points for the size of the chart and where you finish on this chart. Winning on a 16 team chart doesn't count as much as a win on a 32 team chart. Next year though, we will also take into account the size, meaning the dollar amount, of the tournament. Winning a 32 team chart at a $4000 tournament won't count as much as a win on the same size chart at $7000 tournament. This should help those players that may be the best in their division locally from advancing too quickly to the next division. Good luck next year, see you in Long Beach


This is currently how Tornado assigns points. Only Tornado santioned events that are $1000 or more get turned in for points. Also Speciality events such as Mixed Doubles, DYP's, Forward Shootout, etc, do not get turned in for points.
And, if a rookie team beats a pro team (could be a pro playing with a rookie)... both players on the rookie team gets 30 points That is 30 pts each.... AND both players on the pro team (even a rookie) would lose 30 pts each.
strange but true
The bonus point formula is very simple to use. It goes by the number of entries (size of the chart), where you finish on the chart and who you beat. Obviously, the bigger the chart is, and the farther you go the more points you earn. Also, when a lower ranked player beats a higher ranked player there will be bonus awarded. The bonus point formula we will use is as follows

Points Earned from Chart
8 Team Chart16 Team Chart32 Team Chart64 Team Chart
2 and out-152 and out-15 2 and out-15 2 and out-15
Tie for 5th0Tie for 9th-5 3 and out-10 3 and out-10
4th Place10Tie for 7th0 Tie for 13th0 4 and out0
3rd Place20Tie for 5th10 Tie for 9th5 Tie for 17th5
2nd Place304th Place15 Tie for 7th10 Tie for 13th10
1st Place403rd Place25 Tie for 5th15 Tie for 9th15
2nd Place35 4th Place25 Tie for 7th20
1st Place50 3rd Place35 Tie for 5th25
2nd Place45 4th Place35
1st Place60 3rd Place45
2nd Place55
1st Place70

Bonus Points
When a Rookie beats a Semi-Pro Rookie +25 Semi-Pro -25
When a Rookie beats a Pro Rookie +30 Pro -30
When a Semi-Pro beats a Pro Semi-Pro +25 Pro -25

If using old system
When a Rookie/Amateur beats a Expert Rookie/Amateur +25 Expert -25
When a Rookie/Amateur beats a Pro Rookie/Amateur +30 Pro -30
When an Expert beats a Pro Expert +25 Pro -25

So what are Player Rankings?
New SystemOld System
Rookie1199 or lowerRookie999 or lower
Semi-Pro1200 to 1699Amatuer1000 to 1299
Pro1700 to 2399Novice/Expert1300 to 1799
Pro-Master2400 and upPro1800 and up

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