Buying a Table

Read Jim Waterman's Guide to Buying a Table
My personal opinion in buying a table is that if you are planning on playing in the US and are interested in maybe competing at some point you are well advised to buy a Tornado (Valley) table. For two important reasons

If you want a NEW table, check out the Marketplace Section for a list of Table Sellers. There are table sellers for Tornado and other brands.
If you want a USED table your best option right now is to post a message on the newgroup. And if you don't get a response then keep posting it. I plan on making a automatic Buy/Sell section in the near future to help out with this.

Building a Table

So you are the manly type with the power tools? Check out Brian Frenkals Guide to Building a table.
If you want my advice, don't waste your time building a table. It won't be consistant, and you will still need to buy the parts which is a signifigant portion of the cost.

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