How to start running your own Tournaments

by Jim Waterman

Running a "successful" foos tournament is more like an art than a science. I've been running various sizes and types of foosball promotions for about 10 years... our leagues are always evolving and changing, likewise with our tournaments, points races, and larger events.

For the smaller bar tournament.... some things to consider....

Things to decide....

- Event... regular singles, goalie war, bring partner doubles, draw partner doubles (open draw, rated draw, split bracket draw)

- Format.... Single elim, Double elim, 1 game to 5, 1 game to 7, Best 2 out of 3 games to five points, Best 3 out of 5 games to five points.... Match play...i.e. 2 out of 3 sets of 2outof3 games.

- Prize money... 100% payback, House/Bar kicking in more $$$, Guaranteed

advertised payouts (hopefully that may increase of promoter makes more money than expected - good promoters will eat the loss if there is any)

Your first bar tournament.... better than 8 players.... hopefully an even number.... try an Open DYP.... Double elimination (let me know if you need a chart)... each match consists of best 2 out of 3 games.... each game is to 5 points... a coin toss decides who gets choice of 1st drop.. or side of table... team losing the toss gets remaining choice. Run it as a 100% payback... pay top 2 or 3 places.... 70%, 30%....for 1st and 2nd... or 60%, 30%, 10% for top 3.... or 50%, 30%, 20%.... whatever feels right!

Run a few... then look back at how things are going.... what was the goal of the tournament - always try to keep that in the back of your mind!.... Make adjustments to try to put things back in line, or switch things around to keep things "fresh"...

My goal as a promoter is mostly... to build the player base, and promote the sport... (but don't run events so one sided that the better players get frustrated)

Are you running out of time?........Try single elim, or 1 game to 7 in losers bracket

Same guy or 2 winning every week? try a rated dyp, spot points to newbies

Real beginners never win? give beginners free/reduced entry

Stale tournament? keep it fresh, switch events, kickin some extra

No new players? $$... free entry to girls (sexist but it works!) do player clinics...

Have Fun!.... Jim

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